Address: 620 Delaware Ave Marion, OH, OH 43302
Phone: (740) 387-7050
Email: [email protected]
In early October of 2006, a committee of Marion Fire Department Firefighters (Cory Rogers, Billy Whitaker and Asst. Chief Tony Zwolle) decided a Fireman’s memorial should be erected.
The cemetery board was contacted, and land just north of the main entrance was donated to the Firefighters to erect their memorial.
The monument would consist of black and grey granite. The center black granite pillar would hold the grey granite fireman’s statue and bronze fireman’s logo. The black side wings would adorn the Fireman’s prayer and the 11 Firefighters who lost their lives.
The patio would be paved with 12 x 12 gray granite tiles that would be sold to anyone wishing to honor their loved one.
The memorial was order in November of 2006. The membership of Post 584 agreed to finance the project which would total $25,000.00.
April 7, 2007 the memorial arrived and was engraved by Robert Johns of C & J Lettering of Lima. Mr. Johns is a retired firefighter.
The dedication took place on October 9, 2007 at 10:00. This date was chosen as it was Fire Prevention week.